Assess Potential Forest Carbon supply and Market Readiness in Rwanda’s forests

Objectives of the project
The assessment aims at evaluating the country’s forest mitigation potential and the required elements for the country’s participation in carbon markets. It will also provide a business case to attract private investments in support to carbon and non-carbon benefits of Rwanda’s forest with a focus on reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+); and increase the ability of targeted human and ecological communities to adapt to the adverse impacts of climate change. The assessment will also make a significant contribution in taking forward the implementation of Rwanda´s Green Growth Programme, as part of the country´s efforts to address the risks of climate change, while transforming its economy.

Services Provided:
• Assess and map existing national and sub-national REDD+, conservation, restoration programmes/projects as well commitments related to REDD+, climate change, restoration.
• Develop a reference level for emissions following REDD+/IPCC guidelines associated with different forest types, deforestation and forest degradation, and removals from 2015 – 2020.
• Produce emissions estimates of Rwanda by province which includes deforestation trends and associated emissions and removals from 2015 – 2020 in each province.
• Produce a report containing a Market readiness that assesses the status of Warsaw framework, key elements of different standards (ART and JNR), legal status (ownership, carbon title, safeguards), and current investments in land use sector.
• Assess Rwanda’s appetite to apply different carbon standards, scale of implementation and limitations to realize emissions reductions
• Evaluate the prospect of emissions reductions credit used in the country – regulations on market and non-market transactions and emissions accounting of the NDC.
• Produce a 2-pager Business case of national forest carbon market and land management strategy for leveraging potential international public and private funding for REDD+ implementation and access international carbon markets (Summary report of Rwanda’s Readiness for Carbon trading).

Country: Rwanda
Sector: Environment and Climate Change
Duration: 08/2021 – 02/2022
Client: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Rwanda
Financing Agency: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

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