Consultancy service for the design and operationalization of the Community Adaptation Fund

Objectives of the Project:
• Review and update the eligibility criteria for adaptation activities based on exiting programme under implementations and provide recommendations for scaling up in future;
• Review and update the landscape management plans for sub-projects in the Gicumbi District which will include investments such as catchment restoration and rehabilitation through reforestation, silvo-pastoralism and other watershed protection measures;
• Design of a revenue collection mechanism and a financing system that will allow for micro-financing from national and local institutions and in districts, as well as mechanisms to replenish the CAF; and
• Develop a monitoring and evaluation system for the pilot.

Services Provided:
● Undertake consultations with community level actors, Government agencies, previous research reports and other implementing agents of restoration projects in Rwanda, and finance/micro-finance institutions
● CAF design which should consider proposed mechanisms on how the CAF beneficiaries can link in and/or benefit from NAIS (the National Agricultural Insurance Scheme) and propose mechanisms how the CAF could contribute to a national PES program for Rwanda.
● Avail community level organizational tools that will facilitate the process of identification and approval of climate change resilience, adaptation and mitigation related projects based on approved eligibility criteria; and
● Support a framework for building capacity of community level actors (individual members, co-operative organizations etc.) to equip them with appropriate knowledge, skills and professional attitudes required to effectively manage CAF grants/loans and respond to the
climate change resilience, adaptation and mitigation needs.
● Provide simple and cost-effective tools for the mapping of land subject to improved land-management requirements.
● Establish sustainability rating systems against which users of the system can report to provide comparable sustainability ratings across the investment portfolio.
● Put in place a verification and monitoring system that creates an evidence trail of our environmental impact for use by our funders and other important stakeholders.
● Provide tools to assist in the monitoring of the capacity transfer and the sustainability of the restoration activities over time.
● Carry out a gap analysis of the ongoing/previous work related to CAF-type projects in Rwanda and draw lessons towards the full design and operationalization of the pilot CAF in Gicumbi under the GCF funded project.

Country: Rwanda
Sector: Environment and Climate Change
Duration: 04/2022 – 08/2022
Client: National Fund for Environment (FONERWA)
Financing Agency: The World Bank

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