Objective of the Project:
The overall objective of the project is to enhance the impact of the budget support through delivering of better policy dialogue, solution oriented, transparent and participatory. The programme is meant to support the Office of the NAO in efficiently and effectively programming and implementing EU-funded projects in the country, in line with the Cotonou Partnership Agreement. The Office of the NAO therefore has an important role to play in the formulation and implementation of future EU budget support operations, and the Budget Support Interim Services should also provide it with technical assistance in this area.
• Purpose 1: provide support to the effective dialogue on key policy issues between DPs and the GoT.
• Purpose 2: To support the EDF NAO Office to implement EU Budget Support operations
Services Provided:
● The team will be responsible for establishing efficient working relationships with the Government and the target groups’ representatives, to ensure a smooth and efficient functioning of the aid delivery process, including related dialogue, the implementation of the Government and DP commitments related to BS as well as preparation, organisation of and reporting of annual reviews.
● The contracting team will be responsible of organizing different meetings with Tanzanian authorities as well as different supporting documents.
● The team will therefore be following closely the various existing sectoral and thematic GoT-DP dialogue processes, such as: the Public Finance Management Reform Programme (PFM RP) meetings; the Public Expenditure Review (PER) process meetings, and related joint meetings in
key sectors of the GoT’s development strategies, i.e. and the 2nd Phase of the 5-Year Development Plan and any monitoring framework.
● On the policy dialogue front, the team will support to the NAO Office in liaising constructively with relevant line ministries and other target groups, notably for building consensus around a Budget Support monitoring and evaluation framework. The team will also help to facilitate the interactions between the Budget Support Secretariat in the GoT and BS DP group.