Consultancy Services for GIS Mapping and Regulatory Safety and Assessment of Petroleum Storage Facilities and Retail Stations In Kenya.

Objectives of the Project:
The objective of the project is undertaking a regulatory safety and operational compliance assessment of petroleum storage facilities and retail stations in Kenya including a Geographic Information System (GIS) encompassing a map showing the location of petrol stations with attributes defining each facility.

Services Provided:
• Study and review National Guidelines and Best Practices on Location and construction of Petroleum storage facilities and retail stations and identify any gaps in comparison to international Best Practice.
• Undertake compliance assessment of about 2,500 retail stations in the country based on the requirements of KS2504:2014 (Petroleum Facilities – Retail and consumer outlets – Specification) and note the gaps and give recommendations thereon.
• Produce a GIS map indicating the location of each of the approximately 2,500 petroleum retail stations and petroleum storage facilities in the country.
• Document in a User handbook the findings of activities ‘a’ and ‘b’ ‘c’ and ‘above;
• Provide an easy-to-use GIS platform for updating the mapped retail petroleum storage facilities and stations with new information e.g. adding upcoming petroleum storage facilities and stations into the map.

Country: Kenya
Sector: Economic Development
Duration: 02/2020 – 10/2020
Client: Ministry of Petroleum and Mining
Financing Agency: The World Bank

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