Consulting Services for Empowerment of Sugar Smallholders under the Accompanying Measures for the Sugar Protocol Countries for Kenya

Objectives of the Project:
The general objective of this project is to help increase the competitiveness of the sugar industry. It aims to build social capital by facilitating smallholder sugarcane farmers from social structures (3 tier system with village, mill and national level farmer presentation) that meet their needs, a catalyst to empowerment.

Services Provided:
• Establish sugarcane farmers into a three tier organization with a business focus in three levels (village, miller and national level)
• Capacity building and sensitization of the smallholders farmers on sugarcane production, group dynamics, input acquisition and supply, good governance, business skills through barazas, farmer meetings etc at various levels.
• Evaluate the current situation of the existing Farmers organisations and out grower institutions
• Gather data on existing out growers institutions and services offered to farmers
• Develop a model of communication among the farmers’ Federation, Out Grower Institutions and the farmers.
• Prepare sample Agreements to be adhered to during the operation in each tier system.
• Conduct farmer’s programmes in each sugar mill zone in view of the 3 tier system.
• Determine the critical risks and mitigation measures.
• Oversee election of farmer representatives from the village level through to the national level.

Country: Kenya
Sector: Agriculture and Rural Development
Duration: 05/2016 – 10/2017
Client: AFA – Sugar Directorate
Financing Agency: European Union

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