Objectives of the project
● To contribute to the domestication of international standards for animal and plant-based products.
● To enhance the capacities of the key Kenyan institutions in the enforcement of standards for animal and plant- based products and in service delivery.
● To broaden the demand for SPS testing and standardization of quality in animal and plant-based products.
Services Provided
● Assisting with the updating of the status of food (and feed) safety and quality standards in the country and technical specifications and codes of practice/guidelines
● Assisting with the adaption and revision of the control systems according to the new/revised standards and regulations gazetted
● Supporting the beneficiary organisations in the global standard setting committees and to publicity of national food safety standards and controls
● Supporting the updating and implementation of a risk-based Residue and Contaminant Monitoring Plan
● Implementing a border, domestic and any other forms of surveillance supporting trade,
● Procuring food safety and quality testing equipment training on laboratory business management and specific practices
● Conducting awareness raising workshops and training on food safety and quality management systems and related preparatory program