Technical Assistance to the Water Tower Protection and Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation (WaTER) Programme

Objective of the Project:
The overall objective of the Programme is to support Kenya eradicate poverty through enhancing the productivity of ecosystem services of Kenya’s critical ecosystems and enhance resilience to climate change of her water sources.
The purpose of the contract is to support the strengthening of the capacity of the ministry, implementing agencies and the implementing county governments to implement the various components of the programme

Services Provided:
Task 1: Technical Assistance Support and Backstopping
• Provide technical input and expertise on integrated resource management- Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation plus (REDD +), Climate Change Adaptation, Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES), Community based Approaches to Ecosystems Management among others.
• Provide institutional and capacity support to the implementing agencies including the public institutions (MoENR, KEFRI, KFS, KWS and KWTA), implementing county governments, and community-based organisations, grass root institutions and the private sector.
• Advise on effective mainstreaming of climate compatible development and inter-county natural resource management into the county government policies, plans and budgets.
Task 2: Administrative Services Support
• Support the ministry in overall programme management.
• Assist the development and review of programme work plans and the budget allocations for the various activities within the programme.
• Support the overall programme reporting process and requirement.
• Support the monitoring and evaluation process of the programme.
• Support complete and proper programme resource accounting by the various agencies involved.
Task 3: Coordination Support
• Support the internal coordination of the programme’s objectives to minimize the risk of duplication or conflict within the implementing agencies.
• Support the external coordination of the programme by establishing working relations and synergies with ongoing related and affected initiatives.
• Facilitate regular interaction of the implementing and partnering agencies to steer the programme towards the unitary objectives of the programme.
Task 4: Knowledge Management Support
• Ensure linkages and flow of information between the implementing agencies, the county governments, the community, the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources and other relevant organizations.
• Ensure effective management of the data, information and lessons generated from the programme activities.
• Facilitate meaningful dissemination of the data, information and lessons generated from the programme activities.
• Ensure the transfer of skills and knowledge among the members of the implementing teams and partner institutions through participatory and collaborative working processes.

Country: Kenya
Sector: Environment and Climate Change
Duration: 09/2017 – 09/2021
Client: Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources
Financing Agency: European Union

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