Capacity Building Needs Assessment for WASAC Ltd and Different Structures Involved in Water and Sanitation

Objectives of the Project:
● Water Supply Infrastructure and Services Improvement.
● Sanitation Infrastructure and Services Improvement; and
● Institutional Support

Services Provided:
● Review and Design an organization structure that would facilitate the entity achieving
● the strategic objectives. The designed new structure should have full details like Directorates,nDivisions and Units with the estimated number of staff required
● Review and Design the functional profile of every staff (replace it with every position) in each department within the company to guide operations of the company
● Carry out a job analysis , job design and job descriptions for each position;
● Determine the number of staffs per Division, Directorate and general total staff required;
● Evaluate and grade each job to facilitate internal equity
● Review and propose new salary structure as per designed structure based on current labour market. The salary structure should be detailed and reflecting costs per Directorate /Division/Units and the entire staff
● Conduct staff a capacity needs/skills and training assessments aimed at comparing the current skills in WASAC with the proposed job profiles (future needs) of the company
● Identify gaps and give recommendations on how to address them. The recommendations would include staff rotations (line transfers, capacity building and recruitment plans and others
● Conduct a capacity needs assessment for WASAC key stakeholders (Water private
● operators, water and sanitation boards at district and sector levels)
● Develop a Capacity Development Plan (CDP) as a result of the capacity needs
● assessment made to result into a Continuous Professional Development Program for WASAC and its stakeholders
● Review and update the Human Resource Management Policy of WASAC Ltd
● Designing a gender, hygiene awareness-raising and sanitation promotion strategy for
● RSWSSP interventions
● Draft a communication plan to address the internal and external stakeholders.

Country: Rwanda
Sector: Social Development
Duration: 10/2020 – 09/2022
Client: Water and Sanitation Corporation (WASAC) Ltd
Financing Agency: African Development Bank (AfDB) & European Investment Bank (EIB)

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