Consultancy services to design the expansion of the agriculture insurance scheme in Rwanda

Objectives of the Project:
The overall goal of this assignment is to assist the Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources (MINAGRI) of the Government of Rwanda (GoR) – key implementing agency – to build capacity on the use of climate data products for Dependable Climate Change Adaptation strategies (i.e. hybrid insurance products development). The target group will include the crop insurance actors, insured farmers, insurance suppliers, extension agents, and both public and development partners.

Services to be Provided:
• Conducting an Inception workshop to understand the project context and to clarify the Client’s and Consultant’s expectations to aid in the expansion of NAIS
• Development and submission of an Inception report
• Carrying out thorough literature review to identify the gaps in different policies as well as obligations, constraints, challenges, priorities, and plans related to agricultural insurance in Rwanda.
• Development of a Stakeholders’ Engagement Plan by identifying all actions that will involve the different Stakeholders within the project (i.e., consult, listen, understand, communicate, influence, negotiate, etc.) with the broader objectives of satisfying needs through gaining the approval and active support from all the key players, or at least minimizing their opposition or obstruction.
• Development of a Labor Management Plan (LMP) that will act as a guide for the project in identification of the resources necessary to ensure that the labor issues are addressed throughout the implementation phase of the project. The plan will outline the way the project
staff will be managed in accordance with local Rwandese national laws as well as in accordance to the standards of the World Bank Environmental and Social Standards (ESS) 2.
• Carrying out a scoping study that will inform the gaps in weather and climate information and a SWOT analysis of the existing weather and climate information and that will identify whether the climate products suggested in the TORs are adequate.
• Conducting a holistic needs assessment to address the infrastructural inadequacies, capacity and cross cutting issues.
• Organization of Focus Group Discussion (FDGs) to elicit detailed answers and discussions that can provide additional useful information on the insurance product.
• Conducting Gap analysis/Content analysis to assess the Government of Rwanda policies and publication on the agriculture insurance scheme, weather, and related climate documents.
• Drafting, presentation and Submission of the needs assessment report and Gap analysis report.
• Development of a Gender and Youth Assessment and Gender Youth Action Plan.
• Development of Crop Data Base Management System that contains attributes such as the soil, water, specifications for each crop covered under NAIS, namely chilli, French beans, Irish potatoes, rice and maize.
• Development of Weather and Climate Information Database that will involve the compilation, production and delivery of climate data products to develop a database that will be applied in the formulation of the hybrid insurance products.
• Climate Risks Profiling that will include providing an outlook of climate risks associated with the crops under the NAIS Scheme namely chili, French beans, Irish potatoes, rice and maize.
• Generation of Drought Probability Maps based on the vulnerability through AquaCrop/APSIM crop model/QGIS environment as well as to imparting the skill to the necessary stakeholders who include the insurance persons as a way of using climate data products to predict the premium pay outs.
• Building of Early Warning System Communication Channels by building a mobile application that will utilize real time weather and climatical data to communicate to the farmers on the best crop to harvest, the next rainy and drought seasons as well as the suggestion of the necessary interventions to undertake.
• Building capacities of key stakeholders on use of climate data related products to generate insurance hybrid package with the necessary triggers for payouts. Those who will be trained include the crop insurance actors insured farmers, insurance suppliers, extension agents, and both public and development partners.

Country: Rwanda
Sector: Agriculture and Rural Development
Duration: 01/2022 – 09/2022
Client: National Fund for Environment (FONERWA)
Financing Agency: World Bank (WB)

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