Consultancy Services to Develop a Feasibility Study and Strategic Plan for the Public-Private Dialogue Commission

Objectives of the Project:
The main objectives of the assignment are to assess the feasibility of establishing and operationalizing a PPD Commission in Rwanda to support the private sector development reform agendas by fostering partnerships with the private and public sector for reform implementation, proposing the best organizational set up and developing a five year strategic and operational plans.

Services Provided:
• Assessing the feasible establishment and operationalization of Rwanda Public Private Dialogue Commission including:
Analysis of existing state against the requirements to strengthen the PPD platform mechanisms
Solutions to develop a renewed mandate for operations based on PPD best practices including proposition of inclusiveness and participation
Analysis of the stakeholder engagement and support in PPD and measures to improve perception and support
Sustainability plans to become the long-term tool for reforms
Any other support service assessment that may be required.
• Evaluating the support to reforms and capacity building to identify the key PSD support for Rwanda as well developing monitoring and evaluations tools for measurement.
• Develop concepts and strategic plans based on the existing PPD activities under PSF to align with the proposed Commission. Plans should articulate and highlight the complementarity of both entities.
• Develop an operational plan and its monitoring plan to help the commission to achieve its mandate.
• Conduct a training needs assessment and requirements for the PPD Commission considering the various/specific skills, tools and methodologies necessary for the identification, promotion and implementation of the reform process. For instance, communication plan, basic advocacy skills, PPD (Handling negotiations) for the PSF staff and Leaders at Province and District Level etc.
• Develop training materials to deliver a PPD orientation workshop based on the training needs assessment.

Country: Rwanda
Sector: Economic Development
Duration: 08/2021 – 12/2021
Client: Private Sector Federation (PSF)
Financing Agency: Trademark East Africa (TMEA)

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