Implementation support for sustainable farmer based institutional management of irrigation schemes: Mubuku II in Kasese district, Doho in Buteleja district and Ngenge in Kween district

Objectives of the Project:
The overall objective of the consultancy assignment is to provide implementation support to farmers and all stakeholders for establishment of sustainable institutional management through participatory farmer-based organizations in order to foster commercially viable irrigation services for the schemes

Services Provided:
The execution and implementation of activities under this assignment’s TOR was categorised into four key tasks:
A) Stakeholder Engagement and Communication;
• Situational Analysis
• Promotion, Mobilisation, Sensitization and Awareness Creation for Empowerment of Farmers/Stakeholders
• Empowerment, Organisation and Participation of Farmers/Stakeholders
B) Establishment of Sustainable Farmer Based Management Organizations, Institutional Mechanisms, Business Value Chain /ICT Development for Irrigation Services;
• Legal and Contractual Arrangements
• Organisational Structures
• Financing and Business Management
• Business Value Chains Development
• ICT Model Platform for Value Chain Development Services
• Human and Technical Resources Management
• Irrigation Infrastructure and Facilities Management
• Land Holding, Access and Use for Irrigation Purposes
• Development of Training Tool Kit
C) Development for Sustainable Institutional Management of Irrigation Services
• Organizational and Institutional Capacity Development and Training
D) Participatory Irrigation Water Management (PIWM).
• Sustainability through Participatory Irrigation Water Management
• Establishment and Organization through Farmer Field Schools
• Water management and Governance
• Farmer Orientation to Institutional Organization
• Farmers’ Knowledge Exposure and Acquisition

Country: Uganda
Sector: Agriculture and Rural Development
Duration: 06/2018 – 09/2022
Client: Ministry of Water and Environment
Financing Agency: African Development Bank (AfDB)

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