Support of Higher Institute of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry (ISAE) in the Development of Training of Modules and Implementation of Experimental Trials in the Areas of Agroforestry and Forestry within the Context of the “Support Program to the Development of The Forestry Sector in Rwanda – Phase II”, (PAREF.BE-2)

Objectives of the Project:
Training of trainers, development, and provision of a training module on agroforestry techniques and on fruit trees management.

Services Provided:
● Developed and provided specific training modules and their training support on agroforestry.
● Provided specific training modules and their training support on fruit trees management.
● Facilitated the training of DFNC officers and District Forest Officer, managers of Forest Service Providers / NGOs agents on agroforestry techniques and tree fruit Management.
● Drew up an organization scheme of the training sessions (workshops to be delivered to field actors), in terms of topics to be treated and associated time schedule.
● Established 10 agroforestry “school plots” and implement trials and organize student practical works on agroforestry and
● Supervised, monitored and evaluated the above activities to evaluate the effectiveness and overall impact of the developed modules and to evaluate the effectiveness of the training sessions.

Country: Rwanda
Sector: Agriculture and Rural Development
Duration: 03/2014 – 12/2014
Client: Rwanda National Revenue Authority (RNRA)
Financing Agency: Belgian Technical Cooperation (BTC)

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