Support Resource Mobilization for NDC Implementation in Rwanda

Objectives of the Project:
The general objective of this assignment is to support Ministry of Environment in mobilizing financial resources required to implement updated NDC through strengthening NDC sectors’ capacities to mobilize funds”. The assignment will mobilize financial resources to support climate change actions, under the critical sectors highlighted in its updated NDC. The specific objective is to prepare three linked submission-ready project proposals, including the necessary supporting information and analysis, in accordance with the Green Climate Fund and the Adaptation Fund.

Services Provided:
● Development and submission of an Inception report to UNDP-Rwanda.
● A review of Rwanda ’s NDC to identify the critical sectors that the country made commitments to focus on including both adaptation and mitigation commitments.
● Assessing the existing project pipeline bankability against the requirements of the target financing institution or donor by reviewing sector development strategies for the identified sectors thus ensuring that the project ideas developed are in line with other government
development priorities.
● Conducting a Capacity Needs Assessment (CNA) to identify the sector leads skill and potential skills gap that might limit the participation of the leads
● in developing climate change proposals.
● Development of a training plan which will include both the training and coaching plan.
● Engagement the multilateral donors, bilateral donors and also foundations and regional development banks.
● Development of 3 project proposals submitted for resource mobilization with a budget of at least 10M$ or more by each proposal
● targeting each of the engaged donors

Country: Rwanda
Sector: Environment and Climate Change
Duration: 08/2021 – 06/2022
Client: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Rwanda
Financing Agency: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

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