Support to EU Information Coordination and Management System in Somalia

Objectives of the Project:
The overall objective of the project of which this contract will be a part is as follows:
• To increase the relevance, efficiency, effectiveness of EU support in Somalia.
• To be the Delegation’s ‘eyes and ears’ on the ground by providing first hand and timely information on the different elements that affect EU funded projects’ implementation progress. This is with regards to: quality of the activities being implemented towards the achievement of the expected results, perceptions on the ground and to suggest actions for correcting gaps in the implementation of activities by the implementing partners and in the identification of new programmes.
The purpose of this contract is to enable the EU to ensure timely and relevant information and operational support to EU Delegation staff for programming, implementation, and monitoring.

Services Provided:
• Advise on political and security related context in Somalia
• Support planning and preparation of EU missions in Somalia
• Network with Government authorities, NSAs, IPs and other agencies in Somalia
• Support press, information and EU visibility activities
• Do ad hoc verification of specific project developments at the request of EUD.

Country: Somalia
Sector: Economic Development
Duration: 11/2017 – 11/2019
Client: European Union
Financing Agency: European Union

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