Technical Assistance for Increased Agricultural Production of Smallholders in South Sudan

Objective of the Project:
The overall objective of this contract is to improve the efficiency of food systems in four states of South Sudan.
The purpose of this contract is to increase the smallholders’ agricultural production in selected project areas.

Services Provided:
To achieve Result 1: Monitoring of the individual projects of the EU’s rural development programmes is ensured, the following activities will be implemented:
• Organising field visits to report on progress, drafting field monitoring reports for all on-going projects;
To achieve Result 2: Overall coherence of all EU’s Rural Development Programmes/ (Decisions) is ensured in line with overall programme objectives; the required input are
• Report on designs analysis with recommendations;
• Monitoring of recommendations follow up;

Country: South Sudan
Sector: Agriculture and Rural Development
Duration: 03/2017 – 05/2022
Client: Eropean Union Delegation to South Sudan
Financing Agency: European Union

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