Technical Assistance to the Parliament to the Office of the Ombudsman, to the Ministry of Justice (MINUJUST) and the NAO (if needed for the latter) – Rwanda

Objectives of the Project:
The overall objective of the programme of which this contract will be a part is to contribute to the enhancement of accountable governance in Rwanda by promoting citizen participation and mobilisation for delivery of development, strengthening public accountability and improving service delivery.

Services Provided
• to improve the capacity of the Rwandese line ministries and institutions supported by the Commission to implement the EDF programmes, and especially the Accountable Democratic Governance programme.
• to assist the Parliament, the Office of the Ombudsman and the Ministry of Justice to develop and implement a communication and citizen participation strategy plan.
• to improve the capacity of the NAO Support Unit to coordinate and monitor EDF programmes if needed based on the results of the needs assessment.

Country: Rwanda
Sector: Economic Development
Duration: 10/2019 – 10/2023
Client: National Authorizing Office
Financing Agency: European Union - European Development Fund (EDF)

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