Our Projects

The Provision of Consultancy to Conduct Studies on Interlinkages Between Population, Dynamics, Health, Environmental Conservation and Sustainable Development in Lake Victoria Basin and Studies on Rapid Assessment of Family Planning, Reproductive Health, Maternal, New-born, Child Health and Nutrition Needs of Communities Within The Mt. Elgon Regional Ecosystem Conservation Program

Country: EAC (Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda & Burundi)
Sector: Social Development
Duration: 07/2014 – 06/2015
Client: Lake Victoria Basin Commission (LVBC)
Financing Agency: United States Agency for International Development East Africa (USAID EA)

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Support of Higher Institute of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry (ISAE) in the Development of Training of Modules and Implementation of Experimental Trials in the Areas of Agroforestry and Forestry within the Context of the “Support Program to the Development of The Forestry Sector in Rwanda – Phase II”, (PAREF.BE-2)

Country: Rwanda
Sector: Agriculture and Rural Development
Duration: 03/2014 – 12/2014
Client: Rwanda National Revenue Authority (RNRA)
Financing Agency: Belgian Technical Cooperation (BTC)

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